Category Archives: Software

Which software is right for you?

Best Data Recovery Software

Smart Data Recovery is a nifty little (free!) data recovery application that we have found very effective at recovering elusive data that mysteriously got deleted! It is a Windows program that supports the NTFS and FAT file systems. It can recover data from hard drives, flash drives, digital cameras, USB drives, memory sticks, etc.

Smart Data Recovery can recover any deleted files, including MS Office files, photos, mp3 and zip files.

Also See:
Drive & Data Recovery

Best Firewall Software

Our pick for the best firewall software is a no brainer. Zone Alarm is the industry leader in personal PC firewall protection. The free version of ZoneAlarm provides solid security for your internet connections. It is great at blocking hackers, spyware, and trojans from entering your computer via the web. It provides custom security controls which will allow you to make your PC invisible to hackers.

There are also more advanced versions of Zone Alarm which are available from $19.95 to $69.95 depending on the features you are looking for. Their top of the line product offers anti-spyware, anti-virus, anti-phishing, spam blocking, parental controls, and identity theft protection. Not a bad package for just $69.95.

Faststone Image Viewer

Faststone Image Viewer is compact piece of software developed for your image viewing needs.

It’s very small (installation file is about 3mb) and is fast when working with images. It shows them either in thumbnails or listed icons and it has quality filebrowser. When you open the image you can zoom it with the left mouse click which is a great option because of it’s speed and quality (zoomed image isn’t very pixely) To summarize – a great program which will save your time and nerves when working with.

Boot Camp – Apple To Run Windows

Apple Computer Inc. is now selling software dubbed Boot Camp which will allow owners of Apple’s Intel based Mac computer to install a WindowsXP operating system from rival Microsoft. I think this is an interesting move on Apple’s part to try to grab a little bigger share of the PC market. It will allow those people that are on the fence about getting a Mac an opportunity to go ahead and purchase a Mac while still having the option of being able to use Windows only applications. Some people may see this move as traitorous by the Apple team, but you have to remember that Apple is a hardware company while Microsoft is a software company. This could very well result in very good synergy between the two brands if Apple can produce superior hardware to run the superior Windows software. Early reports indicate that the Mac system runs WindowsXP super fast!

The “Boot Camp” beta software can be downloaded at

Best DVD Burning Software

Burn4Free is our choice for the best DVD Burning software available.

  • Burn4Free Burns CDs and DVDs
  • Multi Languages
  • Burn .ISO Files
  • Dual Layer Support for DVDs (check Compatibility menu)
  • Print Disk Compilation
  • Burn MP3s
  • Free Upgrades Online
  • User Friendly Graphical Interface
  • Store All Your Movies
  • Free Software

    Also See: Nero

  • Best Tax Software

    You can’t put it off any longer! It’s time to pay Uncle Sam and you need the best tax software available.

    You have two choices with TaxAct. You can go with the free version, which we all like, or the modestly priced Deluxe version ($12.95). If you are planning on filing a relatively straightforward return then it is hard to beat TaxAct’s free online or free downloadable product.

    It features:

  • Free E-Filing
  • 100% Accurate Guarantee
  • No Missing Functionality
  • Free Technical support Via Web
  • Over 120 forms and Schedules
  • In Depth Form Instructions
  • Help Alerts
  • Automatic Update Wizard

    If you have a more complicated return it is definitely worth the $12.95 to enjoy the advanced features which include:

  • Free phone tech support
  • Expert Tax Help Guide
  • Data Import
  • “What-If” Calculator
  • Loan & Savings Calculator
  • Self-Employment Adjustment Worksheet
  • Tax Watch
  • Unlimited Returns
  • Federal & State Returns
  • Joint & Separate Comparisons