Category Archives: Software

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Configure OPERA As Your Gmail Client

You can now directly access your G-MAILS in your OPERA browser without having to logging into your GMAIL account.

1. First login to your GMAIL account and under SETTINGS enable POP3 access.
3. configure incoming server as POP.GMAIL.COM and outgoing as SMTP.GMAIL.COM with secure connection option selected.
4. Enter the passwords
5. Now just OPEN opera click on CHECK/RECEIVE button.. you will get your GMAILS.

1. You need not login to your mail account.
2. If you don’t enter the password in OPERA its impossible to view your mails by others.
3. You can read all your messages offline once those messages are downloaded.
4. You need not delete the messages on the GMAIL server.
5. Its COMPLETELY FREE OF COST as REDIFF and YAHOO charges RS 500/- per year to enable pop access to users.

Ruby On Rails

I don’t like hype. I’m inherently distrusting whenever I look at information about the latest hot new software development framework and see claims like “Zyzzx will reduce your development time by 90%” Uh-huh – and it will write and debug the code for me too, and make my coffee, right? So recently I was talking with some friends of mine about a project that I had in mind – strictly pipe-dream level stuff, not something I had time for – and one of them started espousing the virtues of some new framework called Rails, built on a language called Ruby.

I’d heard of Ruby before (though never looked at it) and some of the things that he described were intriguing. So when a web project came up – a realistic one that really did need doing – I thought I’d give Rails a look-see. So I went and started looking for information about it. “Uh-oh,” I thought – on the Rails main page, I was greeted with the quote “Powerful web applications that formerly might have taken weeks or months to develop can be produced in a matter of days.” (Never mind that the quote is from Tim O’Reilly, founder of the line of programming books that bears his name – someone I would generally trust to know his stuff.) I was immediately dubious. Never mind that I hadn’t done any web development at all since JavaScript was the hot new language on the block and DHTML and CSS were the big buzzwords. But Ruby and Rails have stood up to their promises. I quite like the Ruby language – it’s addressed many of the complaints that I’ve had with C++. (I still require C++’s performance in much of what I do, though.) And within two days I had a working prototype of my application – it was clumsy but implemented all the main functionality required – and in two weeks I had something actually up and running on their web page, usable and with the full initial featureset. I had to make use of AJAX for dynamic pages (something that didn’t even exist last time I’d had reason to care); it was trivially easy to do. So if you’re looking to do new web development, especially if it’s going to have a database backend, I’d enthusiastically point you towards Rails.

Active Desktop Calendar

I’m a very busy person and I’m always at a computer – either at work or at home. I like to have an easily updated, accessible calendar nearby at all times to help me keep track of everything that’s going on. I find the best way to do this is to have calendar plugins on each computer that can interact with one another. However, my requirements differ. While I want a calendar with all my appointments, tasks and events displayed prominently on my computer desktop at home, I don’t want that same calendar projected at work for all the office to see. I do want my items accessible, but in a slightly more private area. The solution I found works best includes the following:

1. At work, I have to use Outlook as my email program to keep emails compatible with everyone else in the office. To avoid installing more programs and keep some level of privacy, I decided to use Outlook’s calendar tool.

2. At home, I use Active Desktop Calendar, a fun and useful calendar program that displays the current and next month on your desktop, along with upcoming events and todo lists.

3. To keep from having to input calendar entries more than once, I use my Google Calendar exclusively to update events. I then synch both Active Desktop Calendar and my Outlook calendar (by using the Remote Calendars plugin) to download my Google Calendar every time they load, to keep up to date. I find this is an extremely useful solution to my calendaring needs.

WinAVI’s iPod To PSP Converter

Have you ever wanted to put movies on your iPod or PSP, but didn’t know how to do it? WinAVI‘s iPod/PSP converter is what you need!

While it does cost $25, it converts most popular movie formats (including DVD, AVI, WMP, and QuickTime) so that you can watch them on your PSP or iPod! Provided you have a computer made in the last few years, it doesn’t take long at all to convert movies. After the video has been converted for viewing on your PSP or iPod, WinAVI’s iPod/PSP converter will transfer the video to the device right from the program! There’s no need to even install iTunes or any other programs in order to transfer the video to the device! I think that anyone who owns an iPod or PSP and wants to watch videos on it should purchase this piece of software. WinAVI also offers a free trial if you wish to try before you buy.

Office 2007 Beta 2 Review

I downloaded Office 2007 beta 2 back in the summer and have been using Word, Outlook and Excel since then about 5 to 10 hours a week. I have no need for publisher or access in my job, so while I have opened those products to look at them, I have no experience with the previous versions to make any comments on the new version.

The first thing you will notice with the newest version of Office is that they have changed the layout of the programs. No longer do you see file, format or any of those other menus at the top of the screen. Instead Microsoft has decided to go to a tab like view of properties, with a big Microsoft button in the top left with a save button. When I first saw the new layout I was a little overwhelmed, Microsoft has been using their old layout since I started using Word 95, there has been small changes with each new release, but nothing this drastic. It has been 6 months or so since I started using Office 2007, and I am still not used to the new layout. There is no way to revert back to the old layout either, so expect a learning curve. While this might be fine for someone who has computer knowledge, many users will be turned off by this new layout and having to learn a new way to do things. In my experience many users will not appreciate having to relearn how to open up, or print a new document. I have not seen enough new changes in Office 2007 to recommend going out and spending $200. Writing basic documents, reading and writing email, and making spreadsheets hasn’t really changed too much. Along with a spell check there is also a check to make sure you are using the right spelling of words, like there instead of their. The new layout though I would say is a dealbreaker for any organizations that want to maintain productivity. Many users will be unhappy having to relearn the wheel.

Innards of OSX

The innards of OSX Not many people are aware of what is under the covers of the new Max OSX operating system. OSX, Apple’s very polished OS, is actually based on a version of a UNIX-like operating system called Darwin, which was born from an OS called BSD. The fact that Apple is now using UNIX under the covers is a testament to the functionality that this base provides.

For Linux and UNIX enthusiasts alike, the new Mac OSX will provide a familiar feel. In fact, OSX includes all the command line programs and development tools that most Linux users commonly use. The prettier interface and greater support for OSX will make it an option for geeks everywhere. On the flip side, OSX’s similarity to desktop Linux operating systems such as Ubuntu will allow non-geeks, or those without UNIX experience to easily adapt and understand the layout of the OS. Linux, once complicated and command line based, has been made into a viable alternative to Windows or OSX, even for those with little computer experience. Releases such as Fedora Core, Debian, Ubuntu all have a large amount of free software that is easily installed and configured, and have a large user support base. The war of the OSes seems to be leaving Windows in the dust with the belated release of Vista, which will not even be able to be run on most people’s current computers. In the end, it seems that the strengths and security of a UNIX-based OS will win out.