Cyberduck is an open-source FTP client for Mac OS X.
Beneath its cute “ducky” icon and easy-on-the-eyes interface, Cyberduck is an easy and functional FTP application. Besides doing all the usual FTP and SFTP duties, Cyberduck features easy editing of files from the server without manually downloading them, the user can simply select “edit,” and the file will open in the correct application to be edited; when it is saved, the file on the server will be updated. Cyberduck will display notifications such as error messages and transfer updates in a Growl notification, if Growl is installed. For the less network-savvy or simply for convenience sake, uploads and downloads can be done via “drag-and-drop” – e.g. a file icon can be dragged directly from the OS X desktop into the remote window to upload. With convenient features, a slick look, and the ultimate price “absolutely free” OS X users can’t go wrong with Cyberduck. Cyberduck is available in several languages and in a portable version, which can be run from a memory stick.