The innards of OSX Not many people are aware of what is under the covers of the new Max OSX operating system. OSX, Apple’s very polished OS, is actually based on a version of a UNIX-like operating system called Darwin, which was born from an OS called BSD. The fact that Apple is now using UNIX under the covers is a testament to the functionality that this base provides.
For Linux and UNIX enthusiasts alike, the new Mac OSX will provide a familiar feel. In fact, OSX includes all the command line programs and development tools that most Linux users commonly use. The prettier interface and greater support for OSX will make it an option for geeks everywhere. On the flip side, OSX’s similarity to desktop Linux operating systems such as Ubuntu will allow non-geeks, or those without UNIX experience to easily adapt and understand the layout of the OS. Linux, once complicated and command line based, has been made into a viable alternative to Windows or OSX, even for those with little computer experience. Releases such as Fedora Core, Debian, Ubuntu all have a large amount of free software that is easily installed and configured, and have a large user support base. The war of the OSes seems to be leaving Windows in the dust with the belated release of Vista, which will not even be able to be run on most people’s current computers. In the end, it seems that the strengths and security of a UNIX-based OS will win out.